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Environmental Policy

Gavya milk specialities private limited is a professional and environmentally conscious organization, which acknowledges the impact that its operations may potentially have on the environment.

Gavya milk specialities private limited is fully aware of the importance of contemporary issues including that of environment. It strongly believes that all dairy products should be produced/ manufactured in such a fashion that they are in harmony with the nature also, any production emissions that might cause harm to our surroundings is also treated with utmost care.

The clear objective of Gavya milk specialities private limited is to minimize any impact on the environment by:
  • Preventing pollution, reducing waste and ensuring that wherever practical, measures are implemented to protect and preserve natural habitats, flora and fauna;
  • Considering the effects that our operations may have on the local community;
  • Taking action to eliminate or reduce, as far as practicable, any potentially adverse environmental impacts;
  • Promoting environmental awareness amongst our suppliers, contractors and partners by implementation of operational procedures;
  • Seeking to work in partnership with the community by behaving in a considerate and socially responsible manner;
  • By ensuring that no artificial methods, such as injecting animals for higher milk yields or thickening of fat is undertaken at the local village dairies;
  • By guiding the farmers about the appropriate feed for cattles. Gavya milk specialities private limited is committed towards maintaining the highest levels of environmental management in compliance with the international standards of environmental management systems.
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